Health and Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel - Monday 12 June 2023, 6:00pm - Slides Tab - Staffordshire Moorlands District Council

Health and Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Monday, 12th June 2023 at 6:00pm 









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  1. Cllr Kate Mills
  2. Cllr Liz Whitehouse
  3. Cllr David Shaw
  4. Cllr Mike Gledhill
  5. Cllr Charlotte Atkins
  6. Cllr Nigel Yates
  7. Cllr David Proudlove
  8. Cllr Bill Cawley
  9. Cllr Alan Hulme
  10. Cllr Adam Parkes
  11. Cllr Dylan Pascall
  12. Cllr Keith Hoptroff
  13. Cllr Philip Barks
  14. Cllr John Jones
  15. Cllr John Jones
  16. Cllr Linda Malyon
  17. Cllr Tony Holmes
  18. Cllr Marc Durose
  19. Cllr Ian Herdman
  20. Cllr Jonathan Kempster
  21. Cllr Barbara Hughes
  22. Cllr Joe Porter
  23. Cllr Ross Ward
  24. Cllr Paul Roberts
  25. Cllr Kate Mills
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  1. Mrs Sally Hampton
  2. Cllr Kate Mills
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  1. Mrs Sally Hampton
  2. Cllr Kate Mills
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Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Paul Roberts
  2. Cllr Kate Mills
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Joe Porter
  2. Cllr Ian Herdman
  3. Cllr Kate Mills
  4. Cllr Marc Durose
  5. Cllr Kate Mills
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Joe Porter
  2. Cllr Kate Mills
  3. Cllr Nigel Yates
  4. Cllr Joe Porter
  5. Cllr Nigel Yates
  6. Cllr Kate Mills
  7. Cllr Joe Porter
  8. Cllr Nigel Yates
  9. Cllr Joe Porter
  10. Cllr Nigel Yates
  11. Cllr Kate Mills
  12. Cllr Ross Ward
  13. Cllr Bill Cawley
  14. Cllr Ross Ward
  15. Cllr Bill Cawley
  16. Cllr David Shaw
  17. Cllr Kate Mills
  18. Cllr Bill Cawley
  19. Cllr Kate Mills
  20. Cllr Ross Ward
  21. Cllr Bill Cawley
  22. Cllr Ross Ward
  23. Cllr Bill Cawley
  24. Cllr Ross Ward
  25. Cllr Kate Mills
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  1. Mr Neil Rodgers
  2. Cllr Linda Malyon
  3. Cllr Kate Mills
  4. Mr Neil Rodgers
  5. Cllr Kate Mills
  6. Webcast Finished
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No profile image available for Mrs Sally Hampton
Member Services Officer
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council
No profile image available for Cllr Ross Ward
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council